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The BEST fuel for our Body!

Writer's picture: Syed AbbasSyed Abbas

Updated: Feb 11, 2019

So what's the BEST fuel for our body?

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this. If you owned a brand new Ferrari what kind of fuel would you put in it for optimum performance ? The answer is pretty obvious, isn't it! Ferrari is designed to run (at its best) when given the "Premium" fuel. Though it can still run on lower "regular" fuel, but it won't be as efficient and soon toxic fumes will start coming out of it's engine and exhaust pipe.

This is very true for us as well. Our body is a very complex product of nature which can survive on many types of fuel sources. However, our intention should always be to use the fuel source which would make it thrive and not just merely survive. The human body can lasts for a long time without diseases and illnesses when good care is taken. This include eating the right kind of foods, regular exercise and not letting the stress levels build up.

This brings me to the topic of my today's blog. The diet gurus and health experts of today might not agree on everything (relating to our diet), but one thing they do agree upon is the amazing healing and rejuvenating properties of plants, especially those that are rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll rich plants literally provide "Jet Fuel" to our body - in both health and sickness. The healing benefits of the plants have been proven over many millennia. In fact, some of the oldest medicinal systems of healing such as Chinese, Ayurveda and Greek have used plants as a healing mechanism for restoring health for over 4000 years.

In the last decade or so, we have seen an increasing number of health supplements being developed from plants (land and water) and their derivatives. These include chloralla, spirulina, curcumin, garlic tablets, juice powders, protein powders and the list goes one. These plants and their derivatives are carefully harvested, packaged and sold as supplements at premium price. Though these supplements have some nutritional value, they cannot replace the nutrients and importantly the "life force" that is present in the vegetables that are grown and harvested locally using organic means. The sun's life sustaining energy is captured in maximum quantity in the leafy green vegetables. The sun's powerful life force nourishes our body in both sickness and health. Just in the last few decades, thousands of books have been written on the miraculous healing power inherent in the cells of these small plants.

Whats' so magical about the leafy green vegetables?

Most of the fruit trees have trunks and strong branches that allows them to withstand strong winds and rain. In comparison, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collard, swiss chard, mustard greens, bok choy, arugula etc look so weak and delicate. How are they able to withstand frost, snow and heavy rain fall? You can call it the che, prana or the life force that is present in them that allows them to bear the extreme weather. The same extreme weather conditions help these innocuous looking plants build and store important minerals, antioxidants, vitamins (K, C) and other phytonutrients.

Among the many minerals that are pulled by these plants from the soil are calcium and magnesium. Both calcium and magnesium are absolutely critical in the proper functioning of human body. When we get sick our magnesium reserves invariably takes a hit. When we start consuming large quantities of green vegetables specially in the liquid form (either via juice or smoothie) that calcium & magnesium becomes readily available to our organs and cells. At the same time, the large amount of antioxidants contained in the green vegetables help neutralize many types of bacteria, fungus, and cancer cells among other pathogens. There is practically no illnesses that cannot be helped by consuming more chlorophyll rich plants as they reduce the acidic nature of the sick body by making it more alkaline.

I can personally testify to the amazing healing properties of the green plants. Although all greens are rich in chlorophyll, some carry more nutrition than others. Here is a good list of top green vegetables. This is just a sample list and in other parts of the world, many local leafy greens will be available for consumption. Incorporating as many of these amazing plants in your daily diet will ensure long term health and wellness. These vegetables can be used in smoothies, juices, salads, soups and even added to lentils, beans and grains. The key is to have them at least twice a day if one is healthy and more times if lacking optimum health.

Super greens:

Hard to believe there is a class of greens that are even more powerful than the traditional leafy greens. These are collectively called the sprouts and include broccoli sprouts, pea sprouts, mung sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, sun flower sprouts, fenugreek sprouts etc. These delicate sprouts offer huge quantity of nutrition and can be made at home. You can buy the sprouting seeds of your choice from health food stores or even amazon.

Top 10 Benefits of greens:

1. Improves brain health (Best foods for the growing children and those with deteriorating memory)

2. Builds strong bones ( Greens are rich is calcium and thus help with building bones)

3. Build and repair muscles ( You heard it right - many greens are super rich in proteins and can help build and repair muscles. Children, Popeye the sailor man was right :) eat plenty of spinach

4. Relaxes muscles: Greens are loaded with magnesium which help improve circulation, and relax the tightness /soreness in the muscles

5. Neutralizes free radicals. Greens are super rich in minerals and vitamins. Importantly, it is also rich in many types of anti oxidants which help destroy many types of dangerous free radicals. Before going for supplements / pills go for green vegetables and get everything from the source.

6. Open up the arteries. Most of the folks today (including many children) are carrying a lot of junk and plaque in their arteries. Greens help to clear and open the arteries to avoid future heart related problems.

7. Lower high blood pressure. Greens helps dilate the blood vessels which helps in lowering the elevated blood pressure.

8. Lowers blood sugar levels. Greens are really good in lowering high glucose levels in the blood.

9. Lowers inflammation / arthritis symptoms. Daily celery juice is great for arthritis pain

10 Cleans the intestines / colon: One of the main reasons behind many chronic diseases is "auto-toximia" which results from toxins getting absorbed from the colon walls into the blood stream. Greens are loaded with fiber which acts like a sweep. It helps clean the colon of the accumulated toxic waste thus reducing net toxic load.

For serious health issues: In addition to the traditional leafy greens and sprouts, another plant that is great at providing the necessary nutrients as well as chlorophyll is wheat grass. Wheat-grass juice is extremely nourishing and can literally be called a modern miracle. Dr. Ann Wigmore is responsible for bringing the healing qualities of wheat-grass juice to the attention of the general public. The wheat-grass juice contains 70% chlorophyll plus 92 different minerals out of a possible 102. It also contains beta carotene, B vitamins, C, E, H and K, plus 19 amino acids and beneficial enzymes. Just by consuming 2 oz shot of wheat grass juice twice a day (preferably on an empty stomach) for 6-8 weeks can have a great therapeutic effect even in the most debilitating condition. If you can buy just two books for your health, I would recommend “The wheat grass book” by Ann Wigmore and “Fresh vegetables and fruit juices, whats missing in your body” by Dr. Norman walker (who lived to be almost 100.) These two books are very in-expensive and can really help you get back your health.

I have personally experienced (and also witnessed) the healing properties of both sprouts and wheat-grass juice at the Optimum Health Institute (OHI) in San Diego, California. I have used wheat-grass juice for up-to 4 weeks at a time and can testify to the amazing health benefits. The best part is that you only need a small quantity (compared to other green juices) to the get the benefits. Also, you can easily grow your own or buy fresh from grocery stores. It does have a strong taste so for those with a weak heart, one can add a little of carrot juice in it to make it more palatable. Other than wheat-grass, the juice from green leafy vegetables, micro greens, sprouts and other vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, cucumber, celery etc have plenty of health benefits as shown by Dr. Max Gerson, founder of Gerson Therapy. The vegetable juices are low in calories (so ideal for weight loss) and jam packed with nutrients (minerals and vitamins). I have been regularly drinking fresh vegetables juices once or twice daily for the past 5 years and have seen their amazing cleansing and detoxifying effects.

Which health conditions can be helped by consuming Greens: Today, over 85% of chronic diseases are diet related and can be reversed or better managed by making changes to our diet and lifestyle habits. Some of the health conditions that can be avoided and even reversed by adding significant portions of greens in our diet include obesity, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, UTI, stomach ulcers, fibromyalgia, eczema, psoriasis, depression, constipation, leaky gut, and kidney stones among others. If you have a genetic predisposition towards any chronic illness it's best to start adding lots of greens to your diet on daily basis at whatever age you are at present.

Recommended amount per day: So how much greens should we consume in a day? Our target should be to consume at least 5-7 servings (1 serving = 1 cup) of green leafy vegetables in a day. The greens are so light that you can consume multiple servings in one meal. One way to increase the daily intake of greens is through green juicing, green smoothies, salads, soups etc in the daily diet. In addition, greens can be added to pasta, stews, curries, practically anything that one likes to eat. Our target should be to eat wide varieties of green vegetables (in addiiton to the colorful ones) that are in season and ideally locally grown in organic environment. The vegetables and fruits should be eaten when they are as close to freshly picked as possible. However, if you don't have access to local farmer's market, buying fresh organically grown vegetables from grocery store will work as well.

PS: The following pictures were taken in my backyard after the night of frost. The one on the right shows how the vegetables were literally frozen because of the frost. Few hours later (as the sun came out) they were back to their normal cheerful self. Imagine, how much strength these little plants contain within them to bear such cold weather. By going through these cycles of stressful weather conditions, plants are able to build a lot of resilience in the form of many nutrients which are made available to us when we consume them.

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